Need something out of the ordinary? Why not use our Specials Service?
This catalogue contains many hundreds of products and variations, but no matter how many we offer, there will always be a requirement for something different or special.
Our specials service is here to provide solutions to those specific requirements. All you need to do is tell us what you need to do it, or sketch it out. Our design team will work with you to produce the ideal product for you special requirements.
We can help in two ways, either adapt a product starting with one of our standard products and amend it to your requirements. Or, design from scratch starting from a blank piece of paper we will come up with a solution to solve your needs.
All our special products can be made as a ‘one off’ or on batch production, just tell us how many you need.
Let us find the right products for you
Tell us what you’re looking for and a member of our customer service team will be happy to help